Sunday, October 6, 2013

Barnyard Barrier Game

Whew, I realized I have been gone for a long time. Sorry, I get easily distracted in warm weather. But, we had our first official 30 degree morning, so I decided to tie up the loose ends on a couple of activities. This guy has been sitting in my cue for a couple of months.

I noticed that farm animals make a lot of appearances in my therapy sessions, so I never feel like I can have too many barnyard activities lying around. 

I made this quick little activity to target either multi-step directions, prepositions, or both. Depending on the skill level of the child/group, I included two different scenery cards. One scenery card is already filled out with barnyard objects. The second scene is blank, and includes a corresponding page of barnyard objects. 

Make sure every child (or participating speech therapist) has their own scene. They should also have their own set of animal cards. If using the blank picture scene, the child should also have the barn yard objects. 

I prefer to put sticky backed magnets on the animal and barnyard cards. You can also use Velcro (which may reduce the amount of options for placement of objects). Then, I place the picture scenes on cookie trays. You can easily find some cheap cookie sheets at the dollar store. 

If I think my kiddos can handle it, I use file folders to make a barrier game. There seems to be some added motivation when trying to match my scene or their peers. 

This activity was designed to allow for flexibility. I know the speech-pathology profession includes a lot of creative individuals, so I encourage you tailor the activity to fit your kiddo’s needs. So far, I have used this activity to target:

 Spatial relationships: (i.e. Put the cow behind the fence)

One step or multi-step directions: (Put the farmer and the pig on the farm)

Sequential directions: (Put the horse on the farm before you put the duck on the farm)

This is the pre-made barnyard scene

This is the blank barnyard scene and the barnyard objects

These are the farm animal cards. Each participant should have their own set

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