Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Occupations: Who am I?

“wh” questions keep popping up in one way or another. I have a few children with language impairments and some with hearing loss who are working on either answering or asking “wh” questions. I developed this activity to specifically focus on “who”.
The activity include:
- 8 different occupation cards
- 3 related occupational objects for each individual. 
- Templates to allow for easy use and storage
- 3 sentence forms to provide a structured context for asking and answering questions using correct syntax and grammar.

Recommended Materials for Assembly:
1) Lamination paper/Laminator
2) Sticky back Velcro
3) Scissors
3) Metal ring fastener

This activity can also be used in multiple ways (i.e categorizing, vocabulary etc...), so pick the one that best suits you (or come up with your own).


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